Minimizing Stainless counter-examples

Solal Pirelli, Matt Bovel

December 17, 2021


def f(n: Int): Unit = {
  assert(n * n > 10)


Found counter-example:
  n: Int -> -1743011841


sealed abstract class Thing {
  def size: Int = this match {
    case Big(a, b, c) => a + b + c
    case Small() => 0
    case Medium(a) => a
case class Big(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) extends Thing
case class Small() extends Thing
case class Medium(a: Int) extends Thing

def g(t: Thing): Unit = {
  assert(t.size > 10)


Solver can choose any SAT assignment

Counter-examples could be arbitrarily large

What we want

Minimal counter-example

e.g. x > 0 \rightarrow 1, not 100


“On SAT Modulo Theories and Optimization Problems”

Robert Nieuwenhuis and Albert Oliveras, 2006


  • Solves SAT
  • Formalized as a set of rules deriving a final state S from a start state S_0
  • A state is either FailState or F \mathbin{||} M
  • F is the formula to satisfy
  • M is a partial assignment of variables from F

Derivation rules

\begin{array}{lll} \textsf{UnitPropagate: } & & \\ M \mathbin{||} F, C \lor l &\Longrightarrow M \, l \mathbin{||} F, C \lor l &\textnormal{ if} \begin{cases} M \models \lnot C \\ l \textnormal{ is undefined in } M. \end{cases} \\ \textsf{Decide: } & & \\ M \mathbin{||} F &\Longrightarrow M \, l^d \mathbin{||} F &\textnormal{ if} \begin{cases} l \textnormal{ or } \lnot l \textnormal{ occurs in a clause of } F \\ l \textnormal{ is undefined in } M. \end{cases} \\ \textsf{Backtrack: } & & \\ M \, l^d \, N \mathbin{||} F, C &\Longrightarrow M \, \lnot l \mathbin{||} F, C &\textnormal{ if} \begin{cases} M \, l^d \, N \models \lnot C \\ N \textnormal{ contains no decision literals}. \end{cases} \\ \end{array}



F = (\lnot x \lor y) \land (\lnot x \lor \lnot y) \land (\lnot x \lor y)

we have the following derivation:

\begin{array}{lrl} &\emptyset&\Longrightarrow \textnormal{(Decide)} \\ & x^d &\Longrightarrow \textnormal{(UnitPropagate)} \\ & \lnot y \; x^d &\Longrightarrow \textnormal{(Backtrack)} \\ & \lnot x &\Longrightarrow \textnormal{(UnitPropagate)} \\ & y \; \lnot x &\Longrightarrow \textnormal{(SUCCESS)} \\ \end{array}

DPLL Modulo Theories

  • Solves SMT
  • Adapts DPLL to handle predicates from other theories

Extra derivation rules

\begin{array}{lll} \textsf{Theory Learn: } & & \\ T \mathbin{||} M \mathbin{||} F &\Longrightarrow T \mathbin{||} M \mathbin{||} F, C &\textnormal{ if} \begin{cases} \textnormal{ each atom of } C \textnormal{ is in } F \textnormal{ or in } M \\ F \models_T C. \end{cases} \\ \textsf{Theory forget: } & & \\ T \mathbin{||} M \mathbin{||} F, C &\Longrightarrow T \mathbin{||} M \mathbin{||} F &\textnormal{ if} \begin{cases} F \models_T C. \end{cases} \\ & & \\ \textsf{Theory Propagate: } & & \\ T \mathbin{||} M \mathbin{||} F &\Longrightarrow T \mathbin{||} M \, l' \mathbin{||} F &\textnormal{ if} \begin{cases} M \models_T l \\ l' \textnormal{ or } \lnot l' \textnormal{ occurs in } F \\ l \textnormal{ is undefined in } M. \end{cases} \\ \end{array}

Strengthening DPLL Modulo Theories

  • Can strengthen the theory at any point
  • Allows to solve optimization problems

Extra derivation rule

\begin{array}{lll} \textsf{Theory Strenghten: } & & \\ T \mathbin{||} M \mathbin{||} F &\Longrightarrow T \land T' \mathbin{||} M \mathbin{||} F & \\ \end{array}



= Max + SMT

“Find an assignment that maximizes X satisfying F(X)”

Weighted Max-SMT

List of (weight, constraint) tuples

Maximize sum of satisfied constraint weights

What we use

Maximize / minimize operations

Already implemented in Z3



New solver type in Inox, Stainless’s backend

No new code in Stainless needed


Next steps

  • Implementation in Stainless
  • What is “Minimal” for multiple variables?