<style type="text/css"> .reveal section img { background:none; border:none; box-shadow:none; } </style> ### Coffee Lecture 01 : Learn the Basics of Git in under 10 Minutes <small> Antoine Masson, PhD @amasson_epfl ![](https://minio.youmi-lausanne.ch:443/hmd.youmi/uploads/upload_9d9b733cb3f4e7b73ff9d9ffb8ecff37.png =100x) ![](https://minio.youmi-lausanne.ch:443/hmd.youmi/uploads/upload_fdb45ac900f0b8ea51f4aa0196b9e260.png =100x) | This presentation : <BR/> https://go.epfl.ch/libcof01 |![](https://minio.youmi-lausanne.ch/hmd.youmi/uploads/upload_127b3759297c1aa8f1feaf7ed2c1ccac.png =100x)| | -------- | -------- | </small> --- For this coffee lecture, the learning objectives are: - Learn what is a version control system like git and why you need to use one - Learn how to start with git and where to find information to continue --- ## What is Version Control? --- ### Versioning for safer work * Going back in case of unwanted modification * Keep track of team work --- ### Versioning for citation * Reference the version used for the publication * Branches for different state of work --- ### Versioning for collaboration * Keep track of team work * Manage conflicts * Unit test, compilation test... Note: remember that many software include versioning features (code management : git, document management : word, sharepoint, wikis...) --- ## What is git ? --- ### Save operations on files | Intial state | Added a line | Update a line | | ------------ | ------------ | ------------- | | ![](https://minio.youmi-lausanne.ch/hmd.youmi/uploads/upload_ccd30af761258823dd052138420eaec0.png) | ![](https://minio.youmi-lausanne.ch/hmd.youmi/uploads/upload_c12730c18655de1a555d04a57100337f.png) | ![](https://minio.youmi-lausanne.ch/hmd.youmi/uploads/upload_a19ae3e6d3cb758b12f8777d2a436f51.png) --- ### What git can do? (briefely) - Git will keep track of changes in each files (added/updated/removed line(s)), but also who, when and why (comments) - Changes can be distributed to others - Possible to create different project versions (branches) --- ## How to use git? --- ### How to install git - Windows : [Download the Git for Windows installer](https://gitforwindows.org/). [More info](https://carpentries.github.io/workshop-template/#shell) - MacOS : Already installed, use terminal. [More info](https://carpentries.github.io/workshop-template/#shell) - Linux : Install ```git```package. [More info](https://carpentries.github.io/workshop-template/#shell) --- ### Run git - Git runs in command line - Possible to use a graphical interface (GUI) for exemple [GitKraken](https://www.gitkraken.com/) --- - Windows, Use ```Git Bash```: ![](https://minio.youmi-lausanne.ch/hmd.youmi/uploads/upload_8efae392b7a809e9eb064948ad0f4784.png) - MacOS and Linux : Open terminal --- Hands-on --- ### Commands used in this training <small> __All commands start by ```git```__ | Command | Action | | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | ```init``` | Initiate git in the working directory | | ```status``` | return git health and status | | ```add``` | add file(s) to commit | | ```commit -m _commitcomment_``` | do the commit and description | | ```log``` | commit history | | ```diff``` | return file(s) modifications | | ```checkout _commit_ _filename_``` | Restore a file like it was at the given commit | </small> --- ### Links - [How to use Bash : Software carpentry](https://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/) - [How to use Bash : Wikihow](https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Bash) - [How to use GIT : Software carpentry](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/) - [How to use GIT : freecodecamp](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-the-basics-of-git-in-under-10-minutes-da548267cc91/) - [Good pratices with software devlopment : The Turing way book](https://the-turing-way.netlify.app/reproducible-research/reproducible-research.html) --- ## Thank you Next Coffee Lecture : _Pro-tips to enhance your research equations_ 10/11 at 10h. [To know more](http://go.epfl.ch/coffee-lectures) <small> License : CC-BY (Antoine Masson EPFL Library)</small>
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