Atlas of Emergency

Atlas of Emergency

Atlas of Emergency



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Atlas of Emergency

In recent years, Emergency protocols have found a place in our daily lives in a world that is increasingly interdependent and marked by planetary disturbances. It is, therefore, necessary to reflect on the normative conditions that Emergency is acquiring, to understand its limits, its ethics, and its spatial repercussions.

On the one hand, these protocols are designed from urgency to counteract an imminent threat to human life with a series of interventions that mark security limits. On the other, these actions can generate space for negotiations and participation in the affected communities. For this, it is necessary a resignification of the Emergency with the negotiation of limits, alarms, spaces, and listening and response protocols.

The Atlas of the Emergency is composed of stories of places where the Emergency procedures (networks, community agendas, arts of tracking, alarms, thresholds, routines, protocols, tools, post-emergency processes, temporary habitats, collectives, emergency agencies, spaces, spatial configurations, communities of care, reparation processes, constructive details) have been generated from the community, in a potential emancipatory process, where other imaginaries appear from a collective representation.

This contributive process seeks to generate cross readings, listening, and relationships to define opportunities for change that give voice to those who are disenfranchised, and marginalized by the design of the Emergency. The Emergency seen from this embodied knowledge can become a field of struggle, revindication, and collective recomposition of identities.

︎︎︎ Atlas of Emergency Blog (under construction) 

︎︎︎ Map (under construction)

How to contribute

Any story is equally valuable as a record of the processes and actions that are taking place in a territory and the relationships with the people who inhabit it. Your contribution can be the explanation of a process, an extract of a text, an image, or audio telling this story. The record can be about a place, an event, a process, about both human and non-human agents, it can be about spaces, architectures, or infrastructures. Multidisciplinary experiences from research and practice are also welcome.

To contribute, please fill out the form below. We will contact you about the Atlas development and the possible related events.

︎︎︎ Contribution Form